- Students are generally admitted only at the beginning of the school year. Boys and girls of 3.5 to 4 years are admitted to Nursery Every child must be introduced in person by his /her parents to the Principal.
- All admission will be strictly on the merits of the candidate and the availability of seats.
- If the child is selected for admission to the school the parents must produce the admission form (supplied by the School Office) along with Birth certificate.
- No admission is complete until the leaving certificate from the previous recognized school is produced if he or she comes from another school.
- There will be an entrance test for those who seek admission in all the standards except Nursery The candidate will be admitted in the standard for which he or she fits.
- Neither donation nor recommendation will be considered for admission.
- In the matter of admission Principal's decision is final.
- Application for school leaving certificate should be made in writing by parents / guardians at least three weeks in advance. No leaving certificate will be issued until all dues to the school have been paid full.
- Notice of withdrawal should begiven in writing by the parent/guardian before the end of month or else the fee for the
following month will be charged.
- Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, disobedience or defiance of authority, lack of sufficient improvement in studies and conduct even after warning of conduct injurious to the moral tone of the school are sufficient reasons for the dismissal of a student.
- As regular attendance is an important element of education, no leave will be granted except on a serious reason.
- Parents and guardians must state clearly the reason for the absence such as sickness, religious celebration, marriage etc. Failure to do so invalidates the application and renders the pupils liable to sanction. Leave of absence for any reason other than illness requires a previous written application which is to be granted by the Principal.
- Half day leave will not be granted to the students once they come to School. They have to attend the whole day. they are not allowed to go out of school campus during school hours including recess time. In case of serious illness the Principal must be informed within five days with a Doctor's certificate accompanied by the leave application by the parent.
- Those who return to school after absenting themselves without leave shall not enter the class without leave note countersigned by the Principal.
- Uncertified absence for more than 15 class days renders a student liable to be removed from the rolls and usual admission fee will be charged if she/he is re-admitted.
- If student remains absent from class for many days it is the responsibility of the same student and his / her parents to see that he /she catches up with the studies. The school or teachers will not be responsible for that.
- No student who comes late shall enter the class without the permission of Principal.
- No student will be sent home even in urgent need unless a duly thorized person comes to take him/her.
For the convenience of the parents the school provides a special arrangement of making fees payment through Bank. This onerous responsibility is shared by Chhattisgarh Gramin Bank, Baloda Bazar. Fees are to be paid on the prescribed dates given on the bank pay slip otherwise fine will be charged. Students are to obtain no dues before the beginning of each examination. All payments of fees must be cleared in time.