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  1. All students must be present for the assembly in the morning and observe silence. Prayer must be said with respect and devotion with the help of class teacher. Each class is assigned each week to put up assembly programme lasting about 10 mts.in which all students of the class should take part by turn. Each class is also assigned to read the thought for the day and to read out the news of the day.
  2. Refinement of manners, habits of obedience, neatness in dress and person are required at all time.
  3. At the end of the day, before the students disperse the thanks giving prayer is said in the class led by the teacher.
  4. The class teachers lead the students from class to assembly ground and back to their respective classes in order and silence. The class leader should be at the back when the students leave class rooms for any purpose. Teacher in the class is the last one to leave.
  5. Only the class teachers allot or change seats of students.
  6. Text books and note books according to the time table must be brought to the class daily .During class hours silence is to be kept in the class and corridors. Order and silence is to be observed while going out from class room and coming in.
  7. During the absence of a teacher the class leaders will be responsible for the discipline and order of the class.
  8. During recess all students have to go out of their class rooms to the place assigned for them to take their snacks. No games are allowed during recess.
  9. Students are not allowed to enter any class room other than their own, if so he or she would be responsible for loss of any article from the class.
  10. Students are expected to speak English in the school campus. Those who violate this rule may be punished.
  11. Special attention is given to maintain a high standard of moral conduct and discipline in the school.
  12. Students must wear the school uniform on class days, examination days, at school, at functions outside. Those who are not in uniform may be excluded from the class or even sent home.
  13. Students are expected to be present in the school on the re-opening day and on the closing day of each term. Students who do not return promptly after the holidays or who do not return promptly after the holidays or who are absent for 14 consecutive working days without leave, names will be struck off from register.
  14. During intervals and play time all should avoid unwanted shouting and the use of discourteous language.
  15. No student will be permitted to see any visitor during class hours and they may not be called to the phone during class.
  16. Students must have genuine love for their school which is their second home and no one should say or do anything that would bring discredit to the school. The school premises should always be kept neat and clean.
  17. Everyone must take care to throw waste paper or material in to the waste basket or bins provided.
  18. Student should see that no damage is done to school property .They should not write and disfigure walls, furniture and library books. Any damage caused through in advertence or otherwise should be brought to the notice of the authorities. Those who cause such damage will be liable to repair them at their own cost.
  19. The school is not responsible for books, note books, tiffin boxes, clothes money, ornaments etc. lost in the school premises . Students must look after their own things. Name and class of students should be marked in all their belongings. It is not advisable for them to bring valuable articles to the school.
  20. Reading materials like books, newspaper or periodicals not prescribed in the syllabus or any other material not connected with studies, may not be brought into the school without the previous sanction of Principal. Such things, if brought without permission will be confiscated. Any student found reading any such book or periodical during class shall be punished severely.
  21. The hand book issued to every student at the beginning of the year is to be kept intact and neat all through the year and brought to the school every day. It is the means of communication for the school authorities and staff with the parents about the child.
  22. Pupil's behavior should be gentlemanly at all the times and place both inside and outside of school. They should remember that the school is judged by their conduct. They should greet their teachers when they meet them especially in the school in the morning for the first time.
  23. They will wish Good morning, Good afternoon or Good evening as the case may be to their teachers and to other respectable persons and elders both within and outside the school premises .They also should greet one another . They should respect and obey elders, and all the teachers of the school.